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What We Do

These free classes are scheduled as needed, usually after work hours, for clients that would like to learn how to get started establishing a firm foundation for their financial future.  They are usually scheduled in the order listed and may be taken individually or as a series.

Goal Setting helps clients to set goals and outline the steps to reach their financial capability.  It also helps the clients to identify behaviors that may help or hinder reaching their financial goals.

Savings & Building a Secure Future offers an overview of financial institutions, taxes, retirement accounts, and investments.  It stresses the important role of savings in building a future. 

Banking & Money Management Tools covers the basics of checking accounts, proper record-keeping and online resources.

Budgeting outlines some of the benefits of budgeting as well as offering tools to help clients establish and keep a budget.  It also offers pointers on trimming expenses.

Credit & Loans offers information on credit scores, reports, and reporting agencies.  It also offers information on topics such as bankruptcy, identity theft, mortgages and vehicle loans.

Insurance & Review offers information on car, home, and health insurance and the roles of insurance in helping to secure the future.  It also offers a review of material covered in classes 1-5.


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