SNAP 2020

Through member institutions, SNAP provides grant funds for the repair and rehabilitation of owner-occupied housing of eligible, special-needs individuals.
The maximum SNAP program award per household is $6,000, unless the member contributes $350 toward the rehabilitation costs and/or inspection fees, then the maximum SNAP program award per household is $7,000.
In partnership with Federal Home Loan Bank and our local Member Banks (First State Bank, Bank OZK, Chambers Bank, and First Security Bank) Universal Housing Development Corporation was honored to facilitate $113,755.29 of repairs in the first funding round as well as an additional $58,001.93 to be disbursed in the second funding round, totaling $171,757.22 in grant funding.
Households must have a family income of 80 percent or less of the median income for the area.
Only special-needs households are eligible. Please see Attachment A of the Affordable Housing Program Implementation Plan for the definition of "special needs". The household will qualify if at least one household member meets the special needs definition. Please see the SNAP Funding Manual for acceptable documentation to evidence special needs.
SNAP funds may not be used in conjunction with any approved AHP, HELP or Disaster grant.
The member shall pass on the full amount of the SNAP funds as a grant for the benefit of the household for which the SNAP funds were approved, which must be documented in applicable documents related to the rehabilitation.
Actual invoices or signed cost estimates and a pre-rehabilitation inspection report are required evidencing the amount of SNAP funds requested. Verification of the completed rehabilitation work via a post-rehabilitation inspection report is required.
A Formal pre-inspection of the rehabilitation work and property is not required to submit the application; however, will be required prior to disbursement. Post-inspection of the rehabilitation work is required and must be conducted by an independent third-party selected by the member. Unless the intermediary is a government-controlled entity, the third-party inspector must not be related to the intermediary. The combined inspection fees and developer fee may not exceed 15 percent of the rehabilitation cost portion of the SNAP funds. If the member conducts its own post-inspection of the rehabilitation work at no cost, the developer fee to the intermediary may not exceed 10% of the rehabilitation cost portion of the SNAP funds.
Homeowners may not receive any cash back from the rehabilitation.
FHLB Dallas will grant up to $6,000 toward the rehabilitation, unless the member contributes $350 toward the rehabilitation costs and/or inspection fees, in which case FHLB Dallas will grant up to $7,000 toward the rehabilitation.
Subject to the following sentences, SNAP funds may be used to pay for third-party inspection costs and developer fees not to exceed 15 percent of the rehabilitation cost portion of the SNAP funds. The party inspection costs and developer fees may be paid with SNAP funds only if (i) the costs are not paid by any other source (including the member) and (ii) the homeowner receiving the cost assistance utilizes SNAP funds to rehabilitate the home.
The rate of interest, points, fees and any other charges for a loan made in conjunction with the SNAP subsidy must not exceed a reasonable market rate of interest, points, fees and other charges for a loan of similar maturity, terms, and risk.
The SNAP-assisted property must be located within FHLB Dallas' District of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico or Texas.